Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Hate Children at Church

For my first irresponsible hate rant, I obviously had to pick something from my favorite topic: Religion. This one sucks so hard, that whole books could be (and have been) filled with how unbelievably heartbreakingly stupid it is. Due to my plan, how this whole thing should go down, which was, as I have to admit, mostly fashioned to come to terms with my obscene laziness, I can only take this topic on in small pieces. So for today, I'll be content with telling you, what I think about so called adults, who, captured in their fairy-tale based dream world of idiocy, some how manage to consider it an good idea, to take their little precious spawn, to the temple of violent ignorance that they call a church. So here comes why...

I Hate Children at Church

To begin with, I should maybe define this more closely. To be accurate I would have to write a few more of these things... I hate church, I hate hate, and maybe even I hate children. I already told you why there is no time for that, and for the same reason I will confine myself to the Christian church. This time. (Maybe also because I know most about it... cultural predetermination and what not. You see, I'm a Catholic Christian: Suck on that!)
Have you ever noticed the tendency of religious people, to only recognize the oddities of other peoples religions? My mother for example, recently talked to me about how disgusting and unnecessarily brutal she found the kosher way of killing animals to be. And no shit, it really is. But the point I'm trying to make here, is that she hypocritically spoke out against this crude and bloody ritual, without wasting one thought about the unspeakable display of lunacy she takes part in, almost every Sunday. Yes sir! I'm talking about the Mass at the local (and every other one, around the globe) Catholic church. Ours is one of those really old school ones, with those worm-eaten wood benches, hard like concrete, where you're already doing penance when you sit down, not one of these modern, central heated pussy churches. That's because I live in Bavaria, which is the undisputed festering Catholic heart of Germany. But no matter where you live, one phenomenon has become visible in almost all churches throughout Germany: Growing gaps in the rows of moronic sheep, that flock to the churches day for day. This has actually two reasons. This first one is, that most of us, have ceased to live in the Dark Ages, and have taken a little time to grow a brain, which actually enables them to discern between reality and truly retarded, fucked up phantasies, and therefore consider a visit to the local, mad teller of tales as unnecessary. The other one is a little more disturbing, as it shows the total moral depravity, and mental insufficiency of some of our fellow humans. Those gaps aren't really gaps if you look close enough. Their occupants are merely so tiny, that you don't see them at the first glance. And I'm not talking midget here. (I know the politically correct term would be “little person”, but I also hate political correctness) I'm talking about children, sometimes so young, they can't even walk on their own. You don't see how this is wrong? Well, let's for one second assume the implausible condition, that you were not in a church that preaches this whole intolerant, anti gay, anti sex, anti common sense bullshit. Let's only concentrate on the rituals and symbols, and leave out the contents of the sermon for this time. How could you, only for one second, believe it to be in any way beneficial to your child, to take it to worship your lord, a naked bleeding man with pain distorted face, who is nailed to a cross. Or how about telling your little ones to drink his blood and eat his flesh? Yeah, of course it's only symbolical. I'm sure your four year old will understand. Then all those pictures. The one of this saint that had been put to death by being shot with about a million arrows is one of my favorite childhood memories. Our society would never judge a small child by the political convictions of it's parents, nor by their social standing, but we really believe, that we should divide them into different classes of unscientific, obnoxious, religious indoctrination. This conveys to our children, that the most important indicator to judge a human being is it's religion, and by simultaneously letting them walk the bloodily illustrated corridors of horror, in out churches, we also teach them, what those other bad people have alledgedly done to us. We basically teach the tho fundamental pillars of religion: Exclusion and hatred.
We should bow our heads in shame, in face of what we are still doing at this day in age. Especially considering, that the most furious resistance to violence and sex in all kind of media and the loudest call for censorship always originate in the religious corners. How about censoring the Bible? Or would that be an act of blasphemy, for which us sinners will be sentenced to an eternity of torture in hell, by your all knowing, understanding, merciful God?

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